Ahead to the Past: DeLorean Production Could Start Next Year

DeLorean’s plan to produce updated versions of its only model has been delayed due to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) dragging its feet on the Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Act. The car was supposed to be here as a turnkey classic years ago, but the regulator failed to act after the 2016 election. The NHTSA doesn’t currently have an administrator, and the acting administrator would not sign off on the regulations. Vintage automobiles probably aren’t very important to an agency that’s also trying to manage autonomous and electric vehicles.

However, the Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Act was supposed to be the keystone in allowing DeLorean and the like to assemble new cars. Noticing three years had passed with no progress, the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) decided to sue the NHTSA last fall. James Espey, vice president of DeLorean Motor Company, has taken this as a good sign — and he believes the company could start production in 2021.

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Rare Rides: The 1983 DeLorean DMC-12 - a Gold-plated Opportunity?

The DeLorean DMC-12 is forever linked to the classic film Back to the Future, where the stainless steel wonder was converted into a conveyance for the purposes of time travel. But the silver screen was not the only place the DMC-12 underwent a transformation. A certain credit card company had a PR stunt in mind that saw the DeLorean plated with 24-carat gold.

Our Rare Ride today is what happens when a private owner attempts the same thing.

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It's Saint Patrick's Day, Meaning It's Also DeLorean DMC-12 Day

Listen, we don’t want any trouble.

St. Paddy’s Day is a time for all of us — black and white, Irish and American, Catholic and Protestant and all those other religions — to come together and figure out how much green food coloring can be consumed before it has a laxative effect.

But, as we think of the Emerald Isle today, our minds can’t help but be reminded of a famous and totally ballin’ export from the troubled north — the DeLorean DMC-12.

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DeLorean is Coming Back - Not From The Future, But From Texas

For the “Back To The Future” fan keen on winning the parking lot at the next confab, DeLorean announced this week that it’ll make “new” cars again in Texas.

Thanks to a change in the small volume manufacturing law, DeLorean Motor Company said it could build around 300 new cars from parts it purchased when the original DeLorean went under.

The Texas outfit said they’ll bin the puny Renault-Volvo V-6 that made 130 horsepower in favor of a crate engine sourced from somewhere that’ll make 300 to 400 horsepower. Electronics, brakes and other drivetrain goodies will be similarly updated on the car, according to Jalopnik.

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  • El scotto Will ascots be discussed at the HOA meetings? Or Purdey shotguns?
  • El scotto Wait, wait will they rename the street it fronts Jermyn or New Bond Street?
  • El scotto Redapple2 & Aja8888; Sirs, it would seem that a leaky roof would lead to many things like rusty unstamped metal, rusted stampings; and big stonking (highly technical term there) machines standing in water.Glove are personal protective equipment (PPE). The UAW probably makes Stellantis pay for the gloves. To be fair, there is always that one person who has 49 pairs of gloves in their locker and thinks they're getting away with something. Stellantis would want to stiff someone over a 10 dollar pair of gloves and run the risk of paying for a serious hand injury and workman's comp. None of these two items are smart moves on the company's part.
  • Jimbo1126 Supposedly Messi has reserved a unit but he already got a big house in Fort Lauderdale... I guess that's why :)
  • El scotto Dale Carnegie had his grandkids do some upgrades?