New York Dealership to Pay $298,000 After Scamming Customers With Phony VIN Etching

Like all companies, auto dealerships are in the business of making money and dealer-installed options are frequently a good way to markup a vehicle’s final price. While that’s great for shops, new cars don’t really need rustproofing or fabric protection. Of course, that doesn’t keep salesmen from occasionally tacking those services on for a few hundred dollars extra though.

One optional extra you actually may want to take advantage of is VIN etching. While this is something you can do at home for cheap, most dealers will gladly do it for a significantly larger fee. But it doesn’t do you any good if the store doesn’t actually follow through with the service and charges you for it anyway — which is exactly what happened at a Nissan dealership in New York.

Nissan of New Rochelle was caught charging customers for an unwanted VIN etching service that they frequently didn’t even apply to cars. Now the dealer has agreed to pay nearly 300 customers more than a quarter of a million dollars in restitution and issue a public apology for its shady practices.

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  • Jalop1991 This is easy. The CX-5 is gawdawful uncomfortable.
  • Aaron This is literally my junkyard for my 2001 Chevy Tracker, 1998 Volvo S70, and 2002 Toyota Camry. Glad you could visit!
  • Lou_BC Let me see. Humans are fallible. They can be very greedy. Politicians sell to the highest bidder. What could go wrong?
  • SPPPP Vibrant color 9 times out of 10 for me. There may be a few shapes that look just right in metallic gray, for example. There are a few nices ones out there. And I like VW "White Silver". But I'd usually prefer a deep red or a vibrant metallic green. Or a bright blue.
  • 28-Cars-Later Say it ain't so, so reboot #6* isn't going to change anything?[list=1][*]V4-6-8 and High "Tech" 4100.[/*][*]Front wheel drive sooooo modern.[/*][*]NOrthSTARt.[/*][*]Catera wooooo.[/*][*]ATS all the things.[/*][*]We're *are* your daddy's Tesla. [/*][/list=1]