Cubans Hoping to Buy New & Used Cars Despair As Government Stores Add 400% Dealer Markup

Last Friday, for the first time since the communist revolution there more than 50 years ago, Cubans were able to buy new and used cars without government permission, as state owned dealerships started retail sales, but residents of the island were disheartened by markups of 400% or more that the government is framing as a luxury tax. Cubans walked away from the Havana Peugeot dealer, a state-run enterprise, shaking their heads in disgust after seeing sticker prices ranging from the equivalent of $91,000 for a 2013 206 to $262,000 for a 508. For comparison, in the UK most 508s sell for less than $42,000. That’s quite a substantial additional dealer markup. Eighty percent of employed Cubans work for the state and the average wage in the country is about $20 a month so the cars area still out of reach to the vast majority of Cubans. The tens of thousands of small private businesses that have sprung up since the introduction of economic reforms have a great need for vehicles, but they too have been priced out of the market. At those prices, don’t expect Cuba’s fleet of old American iron to be taken out of service any time soon.

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  • Buickman Ironiq?
  • Peter Elections have consequences. Joe Biden promised to rebuild our manufacturing base, and with his landslide win he is doing just that. Though I’m guessing he’s done with the student loan forgiveness. Think I’ll go by some protesters with my own chant. From sea to shining sea, student loans will never again be free.
  • Yuda Agreed Now if only people had enough sense to tell that the EV mandate is also hideous overreach that would be nice too
  • Henry Completely agree with the unacceptable false alerts. And in addition to that, it's just one more thing that adds cost to new cars. We're all forced to pay for government mandates, whether we want them or not. For example, too many people were too lazy to check their tire pressure, so now we all have to pay for TPMS. ADAS features all cost a bundle and it's no wonder that new cars are so costly.
  • Jalop1991 It would be easy to draw a direct correlation between any changes in EV demand and the sudden uptick in new or near-new Tesla vehicles which have been stored at the soon-to-be-demolished Chesterfield Mall.You misspelled "accurate".