Piston Slap: Shark's on a Purging Diet?

TTAC reader Tiburon Guy writes:

2001 Tiburon ( yep, this one again): Gassing up clicks like it’s full, even after only a dollar, then keeps clicking. Tank is at an 8th when fueling and yes, i’ve made sure it’s not the nozzle (and does it no matter where I go).

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  • Bd2 Please highlight the styling differences.
  • ToolGuy @Matt, not every post needs to solve *ALL* the world's problems.As a staunch consumer advocate, you might be more effective by focusing on one issue at a time and offering some concrete steps for your readers to take.When you veer off into all directions you lose focus and attention.(Free advice, worth what you paid for it, maybe even more.)
  • FreedMike What this article shows is that there are insufficient legal protections against unreasonable search and seizure. That’s not news. But what are automakers supposed to do when presented with a warrant or subpoena – tell the court to stuff it in the name of consumer privacy? If the cops come to an automaker and say, “this kid was abducted by a perv who’s a six time loser on the sex offender list and we need the location of the abductor’s car,” do they say “sorry, Officer, the perv’s privacy rights have to be protected”?This is a different problem than selling your data.
  • Bd2 Excellent, Toyota has been caught with bad news again. Rejoice!
  • CKNSLS Sierra SLT There are small/midsize Chinese made trucks all over South America. Many South American countries are on "favored trade status" with China.