California's Data Privacy Laws Could Stymie Auto Industry's Long-term Plans

Pretty much anytime automotive data acquisition becomes the topic of discussion, we have to take time to mention customer protections and ask where the line for privacy should be drawn. With social media firms making a mint off the process online and automakers conducting major moves to likewise leverage personal data, it’s practically a nervous tic at this point.

Hoping to get out ahead of some of the potential problems arising from issue, California enacted new consumer protection laws that came into effect at the start of the year.

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) aims to give individuals greater control over the personal data being harvested. Most of this is supposed to be done by allowing consumers to request what kind of information is being collected, ask where it’s going, and the ability request that the subsequent sale or continued acquisition of personal data cease. However, CCPA contains provisions for customers to ask a company to delete all information it has stored on them, as well as rules prohibiting any discrimination related to a person exercising their privacy rights.

Frankly, it all sounds rather good to someone who prattles endlessly about data privacy rights, but it’s also causing problems for the automotive industry.

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  • Teddyc73 Oh good lord here we go again criticizing Cadillac for alphanumeric names. It's the same old tired ridiculous argument, and it makes absolutely no sense. Explain to me why alphanumeric names are fine for every other luxury brand....except Cadillac. What young well-off buyer is walking around thinking "Wow, Cadillac is a luxury brand but I thought they had interesting names?" No one. Cadillac's designations don't make sense? And other brands do? Come on.
  • Flashindapan Emergency mid year refresh of all Cadillac models by graphing on plastic fenders and making them larger than anything from Stellantis or Ford.
  • Bd2 Eh, the Dollar has held up well against most other currencies and the IRA is actually investing in critical industries, unlike the $6 Trillion in pandemic relief/stimulus which was just a cash giveaway (also rife with fraud).What Matt doesn't mention is that the price of fuel (particularly diesel) is higher relative to the price of oil due to US oil producers exporting records amount of oil and refiners exporting records amount of fuel. US refiners switched more and more production to diesel fuel, which lowers the supply of gas here (inflating prices). But shouldn't that mean low prices for diesel?Nope, as refiners are just exporting the diesel overseas, including to Mexico.
  • Jor65756038 As owner of an Opel Ampera/Chevrolet Volt and a 1979 Chevy Malibu, I will certainly not buy trash like the Bolt or any SUV or crossover. If GM doesn´t offer a sedan, then I will buy german, sweedish, italian, asian, Tesla or whoever offers me a sedan. Not everybody like SUV´s or crossovers or is willing to buy one no matter what.
  • Bd2 While Hyundai has enough models that offer a hybrid variant, problem has been inadequate supply, so this should help address that.In particular, US production of PHEVs will make them eligible for the tax credit.