Rapide Attempts To Vanquish Brexit: Aston Martin Stockpiling Cars in Germany

Brits have now been grappling with their Brexit situation for what now seems like an interminable amount of time, with no shortage of digital ink and political hot air spilled about the subject.

Looking past all the posturing, however, a disorderly departure from the EU could contain serious ramifications for companies making products in Britain, and fancy-pants Aston Martin has initiated a contingency plan to handle a “no deal” Brexit. Prepping for a worst-case scenario, the company is stockpiling cars in … Germany.

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  • Cprescott Jeep has become fool's gold - thinking they can move this brand upmarket and charge outrageous prices without regard to keeping track of market conditions.
  • Chiefmonkey Did these have the same security/theft problem that other Kias have? lol
  • Tane94 Not New Jersey, that's for sure!!
  • Syke Hopefully they do consider the American market, as I'll be looking at trading in my current Bolt sometime in '25 or '26, and we've had a long good experience with Kia products. Given what GM is currently promising, I'll be looking at Kia well before any upcoming GM product.
  • Jkross22 Full self drive - lol, Tesla isn't immune from naming things that are the opposite of what they are and what they do.