Louie Mattar and His 1947 Cadillac Could Teach Ed Bolian a Thing or Two About Long Distance Driving

Our Editor in Chief Pro Tempore’s post about the new unofficial coast to coast driving record, facilitated by the use of bed pans and big gas tanks, got the old synapses firing and I remembered something from my youth, maybe an episode of What’s My Line? or To Tell The Truth, about a guy who set continuous driving records in a highly modified Cadillac. Master of search fu that I am (it helps to have learned how to do an index/abstract/journal search back in the dead tree book days) I quickly discovered that the gentleman in question was named Louie Mattar. The San Diego garage owner bought a 1947 Cadillac new and started to add some custom features, like a built in shower, a back seat grill for cooking hot dogs and a wire recorder, as this 1951 issue of Modern Mechanix (today Popular Mechanics) shows. Then he started modifying the Cadillac mechanically, it so he could do things like change tires without stopping the car. Mattar made it his life’s mission to set and then break, over and over, the “record” for non-stop driving. His first record was a *non-stop drive in 1952 from San Diego to New York City and back, 6,320 miles.

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  • Jeanbaptiste I know this will never be seen, but the real answer is NO Government mandated tech. The reason why is that when the government mandates something, we miss out on signals that the free market will give to weather or not people actually want this or that this tech would actually help. It's like mandating AM radio for cars when people could just buy a $10 am radio if they really like am so much.
  • 28-Cars-Later $12K? I needed a good laugh.
  • EBFlex Wait...the feds are claiming that inflation was not FJBs fault 6 months prior to an election where he is massively losing in the polls in every single category?Eyebrow raised.
  • MaintenanceCosts Most of the article after the blockquote is Posky laboring mightily to somehow blame this clearly anticompetitive and oligopolistic conduct on the big bad government.I look forward to some of the usual commenters explaining to us that, actually, the oil industry is a cuddly teddy bear and the real villain is people trying to sell us cars that don't use oil.
  • Bd2 A modest price bump for one of the better if not the best vehicle in it's class. And it's a very good deal still considering the Front wheel drive competition over at Lexus to name one. These Genesis vehicles are more like BMWs of the 90s but with better styling.