Bark's Bites: When Is a Sale Not a Sale? When Is Not a Sale a Sale?

If you happen to live somewhere in the United States where radio waves can be transmitted and/or received, you’ve no doubt heard of the “ Friends and Neighbors” sale that is going on Now At Your Local Ford Dealer. It sounds like a pretty good deal, doesn’t it? Employee pricing for everybody!

Not so fast, my friends.

Like nearly everybody on God’s Green Earth, I qualify for X Plan pricing at Ford. It’s how I effortlessly purchased/leased my Flex and my Fiesta ST. X Plan is Ford’s code for supplier pricing, and it’s typically about four-percent higher than invoice. It also limits the documentation fees that dealers can charge, which can be insane in some states.

Can better deals be negotiated? Certainly. However, for a low-stress car buying experience, it’s hard to beat. You simply walk into a dealership, they print off the X Plan price, you give them your certificate, and you walk out half an hour later with a new set of keys.

Ford also has pricing for actual employees and their immediate families, called A Plan, which is a little bit better than X Plan but it follows essentially the same guidelines. All that’s required is proof of employment and a PIN code you generate from Ford’s employee site.

So wouldn’t you think that “an inside deal for everyone” would be A Plan, or at least X Plan? You’d be somewhat right, but you’d be mostly wrong. Here’s why.

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  • Aja8888 I knew this would happen sooner or later. Others will follow.
  • ToolGuy I read in TTAC that EVs are useless and dead, just sayin.
  • ToolGuy I am starting to question the love for our planet expressed by the oligopolists. Have I been lied to?
  • NigelShiftright My favorite color on any current car is the "McLaren orange" on Subaru Crosstreks. Unfortunately I am about four inches too tall to fit behind the wheel of one.
  • Bd2 This should solve some of those awkward styling elements on the first EV6 and in doing so only 3 years into the product cycle will also be increasing it's collectible value at future Barret Jackson auctions . A youtuber I follow does expect the Kia EV6 to be among the pioneers of collectible electric cars. I recently traced my 1997 Toyota Supra Turbo for a Kia EV9.