Digestible Collectible: 1987 Peugeot 205 GTi

As I wrapped up 2015 last week, I was reminded of my lust for French cars. My look at an inexplicably imported Citroen was the most popular piece I wrote last year, so it’s quite likely there are a few more of you masochists out there.

I also love me some hot hatches. The French know what they are doing with these cars, too, though most would think of the R5 Turbo or perhaps the 205 T16 rally replica rather than a proper front-engine, front drive commuter.

As we’ve reached another arbitrary point in our laps around the sun, we can look at importing a new batch of otherwise-unavailable cars under the 25-year rule.

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  • Parkave231 New Oldsmobiles are in early this year.
  • MaintenanceCosts "While there are absolutely exceptions, the days of the super-sleazy used car dealer seem to be behind us here in the States."Citation needed.
  • SCE to AUX Sounds like the written-off cars didn't even have enough life in them to survive the short warranties. The scheme would have lasted longer if the cars were sold as-is.Is "written off" similar to an "R" or "S" title in the US?
  • AZFelix Not enough charging stations. Long wait times. Do not recommend.
  • 2ACL I love the CV6 + stick pairing, even if it's not particularly quick (or efficient) by modern standards. It looks to have a solid foundation and would be nice to drive fully sorted, but Honda/Acuraphiles seem more interested in ressurecting second generation cars. I wanted a manual GS sedan for the longest time, though I'd have gladly taken a first generation manual coupe. Thankfully, we're spared of 'future collectable' pricing with this one.