Massive Dealer Car Theft Ends With a Fiery Crash and Locked-Down College

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

In the old days, as in just a few years ago, a car thief might not be brazen enough to nab a ride in the middle of the day or from a busy parking lot, but things are different today. Now, we’re seeing massive gangs of thieves raiding dealerships and making off with several high-dollar models at a time. Fox 2 reported that Police in Flint, Michigan, rounded up more than two dozen people earlier this week for their roles in a vast car theft at a local dealer.

Police say the crew hit the lot at around three in the morning and fired on the security guard in the process. They drove through the gates to get away and damaged several other vehicles on their way. In total, 13 cars were involved in the heist, but three of them didn’t make it through the getaway.

About an hour after the theft, a stolen Mustang and two other cars from the robbery were involved in a violent crash on I-75, where the fiery scene claimed the life of the Mustang driver. At the same time, two other people in a Durango caused a shelter-in-place order for nearby Oakland University over fears that they could be armed.

Police picked up two people they believe were involved with the heist, but the identities of other crew members remain a mystery. Seven of the thirteen vehicles have been recovered, so any remaining uninjured, un-arrested crew members didn’t make off with the haul they’d initially hoped for.

[Image: Screenshot via Fox 2 Detroit]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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  • El scotto El scotto on Nov 16, 2022

    @ Vo go; Sir, here in America men can Viagra for free or next to nothing while women continue to have to pay for birth control. I think a great many of the misanthropes on here aren't up to the intellectual challenge of that conundrum. So when something doesn't go exactly and I mean EXACTLY the way they perceive the way things should go in their ultra-right world, meltdowns occur. They become exactly like the snowflakes they attempt to demean and have absolutely no idea of how ironic their actions are. These ultra-right wingers are as irritating to real conservatives as short sleeve dress shirts and pre-tied ties. Back in college, I had a t-shirt that said "Nuke the Gay Baby Whales". If you're gonna offend, go for the largest audience you can get. I close out with a shout-out to my brothers who believe in "Buicks, Broads, and Buckley."

    • See 2 previous
    • EBFlex EBFlex on Nov 18, 2022

      Don’t bring facts into this Zerofoo

  • El scotto El scotto on Nov 16, 2022

    @ebflexovich, New Soviet Man, Comrade, New Russian Man; your English comprehension is good enough that you should take some American Civics or American Government classes. Congress is like a local bar; anyone can get in. A slim majority in the house is useless. In fact, it is more than useless; the more right-wing nutjobs can make demands to have their latest conspiracy theory read into the congressional record. A narrow majority of solid-colored cats over striped cats does not mean the solid-colored cats get to eat first. It means ALL of the cats will claw whatever they can find and then will scamper away when you yell which one of you pooped in my shoes. Seriously, tell the FSB, RT, or whichever oligarch's butt you're kissing that you need to learn more about American constitutional democracy. If you're not credible on a piddly car site how can you ever hope to hit the big time? You've made several trying to make us believe you understand how American democracy works. Try harder.

  • Bill Wade Bill Wade on Nov 16, 2022

    It's a shame an auto enthusiast's site is being corrupted by all the political trolls. :(

    • Lou_BC Lou_BC on Nov 17, 2022

      ebflexovich - LOL. I'm gonna run with that one.

      @ButterOne sounds alot like Bobbysirhan.

      Interesting how these duds only post on posts that are political or go political. #?

      @ebflexovich - you were predicting a red wave.

      Where'd that go?

      I don't see you promoting Trumpty Dumpty. You get handed a different set of instructions?

      I done with you for now.

      Too funny.

  • ToolGuy ToolGuy on Nov 17, 2022

    Wait - someone wrecked in a Mustang??

    • Lou_BC Lou_BC on Nov 17, 2022

      And it wasn't at a cars and coffee meet with an old guy behind the wheel.
