Here's Why Your Car Insurance Has Become More Expensive

Chris Teague
by Chris Teague

Millions of vehicle owners have been shocked when opening their most recent auto insurance bills. Rates are up across the board, hitting $2,543 in 2024, which represents a 26 percent increase from 2023. CNBC and Bankrate reported on the rate increase, noting that some states and drivers have it much worse than others.

The reports found that Americans are spending 3.41 percent of their incomes on car insurance, reaching an average of $212 per month for full coverage insurance. Drivers in Louisiana spent the most on coverage as a percentage of their income, while people in Massachusetts paid the lowest percentage.

What’s causing the jump in insurance rates nationwide? A few factors have aligned, including longer repair times, more expensive parts, higher-priced rental cars, and more. Cars in general are also becoming more costly to fix. There have been plenty of stories of high-priced Tesla and Rivian repairs, but even gas vehicles can be ridiculous because of the tech and materials employed in production.

The rise in car thefts, including of Kias and Hyundais, has also played a role in the price increases. Urban areas, where it was already more expensive to insure a car, have seen jumps in crime, and insurers charge extra when they view a situation as risky.

Of course, all of these factors ignore the most important things insurers use to determine car insurance rates: You. Your age, driving record, credit, and many other factors play a hugely significant role in determining what you pay for car insurance. If you drive like a maniac and have accumulated several speeding tickets, higher insurance rates should come as no surprise.

[Image: Photo Spirit via Shutterstock]

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Chris Teague
Chris Teague

Chris grew up in, under, and around cars, but took the long way around to becoming an automotive writer. After a career in technology consulting and a trip through business school, Chris began writing about the automotive industry as a way to reconnect with his passion and get behind the wheel of a new car every week. He focuses on taking complex industry stories and making them digestible by any reader. Just don’t expect him to stay away from high-mileage Porsches.

More by Chris Teague

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2 of 107 comments
  • Bd2 Bd2 on Mar 29, 2024

    Odd that the article doesn't mention one of the biggest reasons for rising premiums (particularly in states like Louisiana and Florida) - the increase in losses by insurance/reinsurance companies due to the increase in Billion dollar extreme weather events.

    This also holds true for home insurance premiums.

  • Joe Joe on Apr 01, 2024

    Also the article does not mention that many manufactures (looking at you GM) are reporting your driving habits to LexisNexis and insurers are rating your policy on that information too.

  • Theflyersfan Ford. (drops mic)
  • FreedMike Sweet car, but that's a silly price.
  • Big Al from Oz This article assume that future synthetic fuels will be hydrocarbon based. Hmmm, I don't think a hydrocarbon based fuel will be the answer. Hydrogen might be.
  • Big Al from Oz I believe that running the correct tyre pressure is critical for your application. I don't necessarily agree with the author regarding using the manufacturers limits. The reason is those limits are based on driving on blacktop with varying loads, especially in 4x4s. Before disposing of your hard earned cash on sexy and pretty MTs ensure you need them. There is nothing worse that driving or being a passenger in a vehicle with incorrect tyres fitted for the application, not to mention the degraded safety. I have always bought tyres for my needs. I only once bought MTs, every other time good ATs will do the job and even now on my Patrol I run ATs that look almost like HTs because I only drive on sand and some dirt tracks to get me to the beach. HTs are the best tyre for sand. Also for our novice off roaders you are better of in the bush to run a lower pressure to reduce sidewall and tread spiking and shreddinng, you tend to deform the tyre rather than puncture.
  • Tassos The son of a good friend, who is also a good friend, and a brilliant (not just in his field but also overall, MENSA caliber), a cardiologist at U Mass Amherst, got one of these. Told me the reason was they were cheaper than comparable BMWS. ..........................................................HE shoulda gone a LEXUS GS, if he wanted a Japanese rear drive pretend sporty car. ......................................He did not ask me tho, he went and bot it. .........................................................The interior looks lousy and not luxurious, and like ALL of TIm's finds,'s WAY OVERPRICED, for a compact 15 year old car.