Presidential Task Force on Automobiles Falls Into the Perception Gap

Robert Farago
by Robert Farago

GM is so screwed. We are so screwed. On the occasion of Old GM’s judicial death sentence, Steve Rattner offered an instant analysis of what New GM needs to do to survive: eliminate the perception gap. “There’s often a lag between perception and reality,” the head of the Presidential Task Force on Automobiles (PTFOA) told jobbing journos. Automotive News [sub] puts it this way: “General Motors must convince consumers that the quality of its vehicles has improved to stop a decline in U.S. market share and survive after bankruptcy, a senior Obama administration official said. Steve Rattner, the head of the Treasury Department’s auto task force, said the quality of GM vehicles has improved, citing the Chevrolet Malibu as an example. But he added that consumers have to be made aware.”

1. Malibu schmalibu. In general, General Motors’ vehicles are still not as well-built as its class-leading competition. Check any long-term survey of quality, reliability, warranty claims, etc. Consumer Reports reports: “The reliability of many models still falls short.”

2. the “perception gap” is simply GM customers way of saying “we won’t get fooled again.” Do NOT accuse them of being stupid, however obliquely.

3. A comprehensive warranty is the single best way to eliminate this issue. So . . . where is it?

4. It’s not all about quality. Quality—a slippery term even amongst the carnoscenti—is a given in the auto industry these days. What’s needed here is branding. A relentless focus on a given brand’s unique selling point. For example, Audi’s haven’t been reliable since, uh . . . And yet they’re the up and coming luxury brand.

5. Rattner’s repetition of Detroit’s favorite meme is a bad, bad thing. He’s gone native.

Robert Farago
Robert Farago

More by Robert Farago

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  • Bunter1 Bunter1 on Jul 09, 2009

    "He’s gone native." Bullseye, RF. You can't change a culture by adopting it. Once President Goodwrench finds continued support of GM is a political liability C7 will be just around the corner. Sad. Bunter

  • RetardedSparks RetardedSparks on Jul 09, 2009

    If you've been batting .250 and want to get your average to .300, you can bat .299 forever and you won't get there. Can GM bat .400 for a few years straight? Doubt it.

  • FormerFF 2025 is not shaping up to be a good year for the Save the Manuals folks.
  • Arthur Dailey $42k USD??????? For a Camry? What is the world coming to? This vehicle still has a front end/air dam/lack of road clearance that would make it too difficult to drive in heavy snow conditions. It certainly won't be going off road. So what is the AWD for? If a buyer insists on an AWD Toyota, I would suggest a Corolla Cross instead of this.
  • Slavuta "U.S. government has so far had a heavy hand in its efforts to improve data privacy and security." -- let me translate this one: effort to ensure that only US gov can take personal data
  • Slavuta Let me translate: When we win, capitalism is great, lets open all the markets. When we lose - close markets immediately, subsidize us. In other words, give us corporate socialism.
  • Guy 90's name, does Cavalier count it was around before,during and after the 90's. A Corsica SUV with a Beretta SUV "coupe" counterpart? On the aside if they keep the Durango name they have to keep it in Detroit per the UAW. Change the name and its not a next gen Durango anymore.