Did Daimler Zap Zap?

Robert Farago
by Robert Farago

You may recall that electric car maker Zap was set to import thousands of Smart cars into the U.S., after [what was then called] DaimlerChrysler decided to pull the plug on its own American ambitions for the brand in 2004. Now that [what is now called] Daimler has changed its mind and teamed-up with Penske to get Smart stateside, Zap is plenty pissed, in a "we're going to sue your ass" kinda way. They've filed a $500m suit against Daimler in California, alleging "intentional interference with prospective economic relations; negligent interference; trade libel; defamation; breach of contract to negotiate in good faith; breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing; common law unfair competition and statutory unfair competition." In papers filed with the court, ZAP claims it collected $2.2b worth of signed purchase orders for some 156k Smarts. The legal action, first filed two years ago, stumbled when a CA court claimed it had no jurisdiction in the matter. WardsAuto reports that Zap will learn if their efforts to reverse that decision have been successful in the next 90 days.

Robert Farago
Robert Farago

More by Robert Farago

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  • Jthorner Jthorner on Nov 28, 2007

    Zap will do anything for attention. It is the automotive world's equivalent of a two-year-old's tantrum.

  • Starlightmica Starlightmica on Nov 28, 2007

    DCX never had a signed contract with Zap. Zap's plan was to buy cars in Europe and modify them for the US market but was prohibited from buying them new for reasons I can't recall.

    Instead, they had to buy them used, not that Zap has ever had much money to begin with.

  • DrBrian DrBrian on Nov 28, 2007

    156k as in One hundred and fifty six Thousand Zap/Smarts? thats a hell of a lot of cars for anyone to sell let alone someone who isn't/hasn't made a single one.

  • Donal Donal on Nov 28, 2007
    thats a hell of a lot of cars I only wanted one, but my elbow was on the enter key.