You Want It, Kia Wants It, But Here's Why Niro Likely Won't Offer All-wheel Drive Anytime Soon

Mark Stevenson
by Mark Stevenson

Kia’s foray into the hybrid segment might be ill-timed, considering the current contraction of sales for its main rival, the Toyota Prius, but the Korean automaker is betting big on the Niro’s traditionally boxy shape bringing in would-be Prius buyers offended by origami-esque sheetmetal.

Still, with that two-box silhouette comes some preconceived notions — like all-wheel drive.

While you want it, and Kia Motors of America would surely love to give it to you, there are a host of reasons why Kia’s newest hybrid-only crossover doesn’t offer all-wheel drive and likely won’t anytime soon.

After speaking with Kia Motors America’s director of communications, James Bell, it appears the company would love to offer optional all-wheel drive on the Niro and is actively campaigning for its addition, but two major technical issues stand in the way.

First, one must consider the platform. The Niro is based on the same bones that underpin the new Hyundai Ioniq, a car that will be launched later this month. Underneath the rear seat sits the same battery pack as the Ioniq, which stretches more-or-less the width of the vehicle. This poses an issue in engineering.

“You’d have to split that battery pack in half,” explained Orth Hedrick, vice president of product planning for Kia Motors America, when asked about the addition of mechanical all-wheel drive. Splitting that pack would be no easy feat, and would likely reduce the Niro’s battery capacity while also adding the extra weight of a mechanical all-wheel-drive system.

But what about an e-AWD system where the rear wheels are independently driven by their own electric motor? Not so fast.

“The rear of the Niro is already quite tight and we didn’t package protect the rear for future all-wheel drive,” Hedrick stated, effectively killing the possibility of a single-motor solution.

Still, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Hyundai-Kia’s largest supplier, Mobis, offered a glimpse at an in-wheel electric motor e-AWD system that would solve the Niro’s packaging issues — but at a cost.

“[In-wheel e-AWD] is unlikely to happen if the solution adds $4,000 to the price of the vehicle,” Hedrick said.

If Kia Motors America gets its way, all-wheel drive could show up in a second-generation Niro, with some other vehicles also benefiting from the new technology. Kia is currently developing an e-AWD system in-house, but will need to find more applications than just the Niro to bring it to production.

[Image: Kia Motors America]

Mark Stevenson
Mark Stevenson

More by Mark Stevenson

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  • RHD RHD on Feb 02, 2017

    There may be a perfectly good reason for the moniker placed on this model, but perhaps Kia should have first researched the, ah, colorful life of Nero. But maybe there will be parallels in the life of Nero and the Kia Niro - power sharing, being adopted by a new "parent", then belonging to several different women (and then a man) over the course of a few years... possibly a disaster or two that cost a fortune to repair, followed by an early death.

  • Stephan00 Stephan00 on Feb 07, 2017

    If anyone from Kia is reading this.. please make this: PLEASE!?

  • Ajla Maybe, but with them being unpopular at a macro level I doubt you'll be seeing them in the US. If this couldn't get over the finish line in New York then good luck in other places. I think urban planning advocates really need to focus on nonpunitive ideas going forward. "Let's make driving more sh*tty and/or expensive" just isn't going to find a broad audience.
  • Oberkanone I want to see knobs for volume control and tuning.
  • 28-Cars-Later Nope, but we're getting close again to the time of heads on pikes.
  • Jkross22 It's a good idea if you're in government, are unwilling to cut costs and see taxpayers as ATMs with legs. This requires astounding levels of cynicism and corruption, combined with a deep seated hatred of average people. Outside of that, no.
  • JMII I would think the insane traffic plus outrageous parking costs would be enough to keep most people far away from driving into Manhattan. I avoid most downtown city centers just because of those same reasons. For example I once had an opportunity to take a decent sounding job in Miami but said no thanks mainly because of the commuting nightmare. And they wanted me to wear a suit... my laughter shorted that interview rather quickly.