Used Review: 2008 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited

Jehovah Johnson
by Jehovah Johnson

“It’s a Jeep thing; you wouldn’t understand”. This was the vaguely condescending response I got when I queried my then-girlfriend and current wife about why in the world she would choose such an unrefined and slow mode of transportation. Surely, you can understand my point of view. I mean, the Jeep Wrangler is the ultimate, absolute antithesis of everything performance-related in the automotive world. Well, that is true so long as we are talking about road-going performance. Some, like my wife, get more excited about the prospect of slogging through mud and muck than teeter-tottering on the bare naked edge of control around a downhill decreasing-radius corner. And, for those who get their jollies in the dirt, the Wrangler Rubicon is the ultimate starting point for a true performance vehicle.

The Wrangler Unlimited’s exterior style remains true to its stack ’em high and send ’em overseas cubist pedigree. Overall, it looks a lot like the original two-door version stretched to house a backseat and a little more cargo space. And there you have it. In fact, Jeep’s engineers extended the standard model’s wheelbase 20.6 inches to make such accommodations.

My tester came in a shade of dark green straight out of a Vietnam-war flick, complete with jungle-ready mud tires. Among other off-road equipment, it was fitted with locking front and rear differential, rock rails, skid plates and a 4.10 rear axle ratio. With its suspension and the aforementioned tires, the Wrangler’s looked every inch the OEM monster truck.

Considering the Chrysler’s current cabin quality, my expectations for the Wrangler’s interior fell somewhere between Yugo and Ford Tempo. Obviously, leather and other high-zoot convenience features aren’t de rigeur for any vehicle designed for the great outdoors. So I wasn’t surprised to encounter stain resistant cloth seating and lots of plastic and rubber. But the plastic was brittle, nasty and poorly fitted. The rubber looked like it had a half life half as long as the Jeep’s. The Wrangler Unlimited illustrates the difference between spartan and disposable.

The Unlimited’s instrumentation is straightforward and glove-friendly. Navigation is touch-screen and electronic in nature, so mud-bogging with the top down is probably not a great idea. Semi-city slicker that I am, I was delighted to find that the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited’s sound-deadening materials do a halfway decent job sealing out the outside world—a tall order considering its tires and removable hard top.

While driving my tester, I couldn’t escape the thought that I’ve now come full circle in terms of Jeep power trains. I’ve driven everything from a 1980s CJ to a 1997 TJ to this four-door Rubicon tester. During this journey, I’ve sampled everything from the utterly gutless 2.5-liter inline four-cylinder (which was crippled even further by enormous mud tires) to the 4.0-liter inline six, the 4.2-liter inline six, and finally this year’s 3.8-liter V6.

There is no doubt in my mind that this most recent engine is the best in terms of power and refinement. Of course, put this engine in a family sedan and you’ll get a decidedly different take on its virtues. Drive through the city and you’ll find the mill’s acceleration adequate and its fuel consumption disconcerting.

Now, if you are a Jeep die-hard, you are going to find this part of my review downright unforgivable. I didn’t get a chance to take the Rubicon off-road. Single digit temperatures and scheduling made a trip to the trails impossible. However, I’ve logged plenty of time in Wranglers off-road, so I know just how good they are. With its ground clearance, 4WD system and suspension, the current generation Wrangler can handle its business in the dirt. Frankly, it’s the asphalt jungle where Wranglers have historically fallen short. Way short. Besides, admit it, you spend far more time on the street anyway.

The Unlimited Rubicon is a better handling Wrangler than the two-door versions of yesteryear. I realize that this is a little like being the best player on the Pittsburgh Pirates roster. But driving the Rubicon on city streets I was able to keep all my teeth in my head, which is a win as far as I’m concerned. However, it must be said that the Wrangler Unlimited’s off-road roots generate plenty of slack in the steering wheel and a tendency to walk the road.

According to the spin doctors at Chrysler, the Wrangler Unlimited is generally purchased by married men with kids and an upper-middle-class income. ChryCo’s demographic profile makes sense to me. The Warngler Unlimited is the perfect vehicle for the outdoor enthusiast who needs extra space for camping gear and kiddos but doesn’t need it for daily driving duties. However, if you live in the city and you really just like the off-road look, do yourself a favor, go get a Columbia fleece jacket and a Toyota Corolla. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

Jehovah Johnson
Jehovah Johnson

More by Jehovah Johnson

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  • G_Bush G_Bush on Jun 02, 2009

    What are you calling bad gas mileage? To be fair, lets throw some numbers out there so it isn't such a subjective comment. To a large degree it depends on how you drive. Would anyone believe my Miata gets 7 MPG with a stock engine? It does, because its a race car and on track the engine rarely goes below 6000 RPM. Before it was a racer, it got 28 MPG or so on the street. Lets use some numbers. I think 18-20 MPG is reasonable. I can afford it and it doesn't bother me. Would I like 30 MPG? Sure, but not if I have to drive a little tiny car, no matter how nice it is once I fold myself into it. And don't get me started on the misconceptions surrounding crash test ratings....

  • RayinBC RayinBC on Jan 10, 2011

    When I drove my '91 Cherokee into the dealer parking lot,a saleman came over to me and said " Have I a vehicle for you!" He was talking about the Unlimited.The turning radius with that long wheelbase was offputting. I went with a Ram 3500 and a Can-Am 650 quad. But yes, it is a Jeep thing.

  • Theflyersfan The laundry list of things done to this car is huge - check out the link. Yes, those are Lotus Elise seats that were installed. Not sure there's much that hasn't been touched on this car. I don't think this owner is going to try to cash out each penny of the mods put into this car. There looks to be some really good stuff installed under the hood. But this is a hard pass from me. While this isn't as tacky as the "let's throw scissor doors on a bedazzled pink RSX" gaudy, this isn't the most tasteful set of exterior changes either. But for someone with the cash and wants a weekend racer that will be a riot to drive, $20,000 might be about right.
  • ToolGuy "tire kickers and low-ballers will be ignored" • Then we are even.
  • Slavuta Boeing is crying
  • MrIcky I'm reading this fluff piece, and I read some of the other press releases the other day. Although there are a few things that appear that toyota was using harder tests than the government recommends (like a heavier than required rear impact sled), some were more clearly an issue. Some examples I recall:*Timers were used instead of impact sensors on crash testing and this impact data was used as proof of the airbag system working.*Sensor readings were chosen from the incorrect sensor in a way that appears to show lower impact forces on reported metrics.*Engine power tests were pretty clearly just overreported.*Airbag inflation speed timings weren't done using standard testing and it gave a more optimal number than they actually achieved.Although this was Japanese testing, it is likely at least in a couple of cases that this information effects American sold products as it is the same exact setup.
  • Bd2 Japan is a godless society without Christianity.