Saabstermath: Of Vultures And Phoenixes

If you are worried that you may have to live without daily episodes of the Saab Soap, now that the company is bankrupt, worry no more. Or in the words of Saabsunited: “never ever give up!” The show will go on.

Today, Automotive news China [sub] reports:

“Zhejiang Youngman Lotus Automobile Co. says it has purchased Saab Automobile’s Phoenix architecture despite its failure to acquire the automaker itself. Youngman already has set up a company in Sweden to develop new models based on the architecture, said Rachel Pang, Youngman’s spokeswoman and daughter of Youngman President Pang Qingnian.”

The trouble is, nobody in Sweden or elsewhere has heard about it.

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Our Daily Saab: The Detroit Court Says No

Tomorrow is he day when the court in Vänersborg will decide whether to lift creditors’ protection, thereby throwing Saab to the circling wolves. Even a bankrupt Saab wold have a slim chance of survival. However, there is a higher court that holds Saab’s fate in its hands. That court sits in Detroit and is called GM. That court has spoken. The verdict is:


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Or Daily Saab: A Wale Of A Botched Sale

GM’s China chief Kevin Wale poured a huge bucket of ice-cold water over hopes that China’s Pangda and Youngman will rescue Saab. The deal needs to be approved by the Chinese government, the European Investment Bank, the Swedish government and – GM.

Wale told Reuters today:

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Our Daily Saab: Dark Clouds Gather Around Saab's White Knight

Pangda, one of Saab’s presumptive white knights, could itself be facing financial difficulties. Both the staid government-owned China Daily and the more outspoken Taiwan-based China Times report strange financial going-ons at PangDa. Says China Times:

“Shareholders and securities analysts are scratching their heads over how a top automobile marketing group in China managed to “burn” a huge fund of 6 billion yuan (US$944 million) in just six months. Many have speculated that Pang Da Automobile Trade Co has shifted to financial leasing services to cope with stalling car sales caused by the government’s credit-tightening regulations.”

According to China Daily, $659 million had been “used to repay bank loans and supplement working capital.” China Times reports a lot of the money as lost and says:

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Our Daily Saab: Chengdu Noodles

There was no better place to clear up some questions about Saab than in Chengdu. After all, nowhere can you find the CEOs of all major Chinese carmakers and government officials all under the same roof, or even at your dining table. There also was no better place to get entangled in the messiest web of facts and fiction. Here is some local color:

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  • Lou_BC Kicks @ss?
  • Lou_BC "This article was co-written using AI" Any Chinese components running that AI?
  • Lou_BC Canary in a coal mine. Stelantis discounting Hell Cats that dealers can't sell.
  • ToolGuy I'll have more after I listen to the podcast (tomorrow, maybe), but I do have to say I love me some good C-D pillar stylistic hints. (Some people stop at the grille, but my eyes go allll the way around.)
  • SPPPP I enjoy seeing them, but the number of models that gather interest is rather small.