Rare Rides: The 1975 Moretti 126 Minimaxi, More Than a Fiat

Today’s Rare Ride marks the second entry from small Italian car manufacturer Moretti. The first Moretti featured here was a 750 two-door sedan from the early Fifties, which was an original design to the brand.

In contrast, today’s 126 Minimaxi was made long after Moretti stopped creating its own cars.

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Rare Rides: The Forgotten Moretti 750 From 1954

Today’s Rare Ride hails from a brand which ceased its operations decades ago. At its peak, it never produced more than a couple thousand cars a year. Said vehicles were largely confined to sales in Europe, and specifically within Italy.

Let’s learn about the brand behind this little red Moretti 750.

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  • FormerFF Private equity is the dumbest of dumb money.
  • Jeff This is the same old announcement that Tesla has made in the past and then retracted. I will believe this when I see it to me it is more to juice the price of the stock. Elon is bored with Tesla and will get as much money out of it as he can.
  • Redapple2 I prefer cloth to leather. Cooler in summer. Warmer in winter. PS- most leather is low quality crap. Some vinyl is like a - sweat to the max - plastic bag.
  • Arthur Dailey Based on the asking prices for previous Used Cars of the Day, this one might actually be reasonable, for someone interested in and willing to run/maintain an oddball vehicle, if the service records are available and demonstrate diligence.
  • 28-Cars-Later "Maybe this sovereign wealth fund will help me" Doubtful, a US sovereign wealth fund won't be used for it's citizens - I don't care what the talking heads say. Edit: I think its going to be used as collateral to buy even more debt from The Fed and further kick the deficit can.