While You Were Sleeping: Mad Max, Maria De Villota's Mad Family and Mad Funny Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

Mad Max has been tearing up the box office since mid-May. To capitalize on George Miller’s latest explogasm that’s putting Michael Bay in his place, Warner Brothers has made a video game, too.

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  • Jalop1991 Eh?
  • EBFlex Wow Canada actually doing something decent for a change. What a concept.
  • 3-On-The-Tree To Khory, I was a firefighter as well and the worst thing about car fires was the fumes from all the plastics and rubber, tires etc.
  • ToolGuy I listened to this podcast today and I read the study summary at "www dot iseecars dot com slash longest-lasting-cars-study" and this study is weird. Multiple issues with this thing.
  • Sayahh If you can stop ppl from leaving way more than 7 car lengths between cars because they are texting, then you csn improve speeds and traffic flow tremendously IMO.