Reality Check: The Acura Integra GS-R

Chris Tonn’s find of a stock, low-mileage 1998 Acura Integra GS-R is definitely a rare one. It certainly had me feeling giddy as a past and present Integra GS-R owner. And then I saw the asking price — $11,800 — and nearly fainted.

On the magical internet scale of nice price to crack pipe, this is the lovechild of Robert Downey Jr. and Charlie Sheen. Allow me to explain.

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  • MaintenanceCosts If the top works, it’s a minor miracle. If the top doesn’t work, this is nothing more than a GTI with a weaker structure and 600 pounds of permanent ballast.
  • SCE to AUX Anybody can make a cheap EV, but will it have the specs people want? Tesla is best positioned to do it, but achieving good specs could turn their profits negative.
  • MaintenanceCosts All depends on battery prices. Electric cars can undercut gas cars easily if they drop. If they stay the same or go up, there’s not much fat left for Tesla to cut out of the Model 3.
  • ToolGuy a) Can the brand successfully offer more vehicles that are affordable to more consumers? Yes if they decide to, for two reasons: a1) If and when they introduce the 'Model 2'/'Redwood'/whatever (or other 'low-cost' model or models) -- my understanding is they had valid reasons for waiting. a2) Tesla has gotten good at efficiency/cost reduction and passing (some of) the savings along. ¶ b) Would you be interested in a more affordable Tesla? b1) Yes, maybe, eventually but in the near term 'more affordable' Teslas should tend to make -all- used Teslas more affordable and this interests me more because I sort of kind of have my eye on a nice Model S one of these years. (Have never driven one, don't spoil the ending for me if you hate it.)
  • Aja8888 Notice no photos with the top down. They break...a lot on the Eos. And parts are unobtanium (besides no one wanting to work on the complicated flogging top).