Send Us Your 2016 Ten Best/Worst Vehicle Nominations!

Steph Willems
by Steph Willems

Hey, valued readers! This is a helpful reminder that if you don’t send us your Top 10 picks for the best and worst vehicles of 2016, you can’t win $100 of free stuff.

No one wants to miss out on free stuff, so follow these easy guidelines to be eligible for a $100 Amazon gift card. Blow off some repressed car anger while you’re at it. Tell us how you really feel about those models that tickle your fancy or fill you with rage and disappointment.

The clock runs out at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 24.

It’s easy — follow the link below and make your opinion known!

Submit your 2016 Ten Best/Ten Worst Nominations By Clicking Here

Steph Willems
Steph Willems

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6 of 7 comments
  • Theonlydt Theonlydt on Apr 19, 2016

    I submitted my ten and ten. I almost put the Mazda 5 in the top ten worst - despite owning one and being very happy. Instead I'll sit here seething at Mazda and publicly placing it at number 11. Launched in 2005, lightly revised in 2011, no longer for sale in the US - but on sale in Canada as a 2016. No engine upgrades since 2011, or transmission since 2008/2011 (auto/manual). That they're not offering $10k cash off each 2016 they try and sell an unfortunate is disgusting. Unfortunately this will be its last year and then it'll be gone. No more appropriately sized minivans with sliding doors. Fickle North Americans killed it off. I hate all of you. Ford - bring the Grand C-Max now! Like that promise you broke before. Remember?

    • See 1 previous
    • Theonlydt Theonlydt on Apr 20, 2016

      @Compaq Deskpro I'm very surprised by that - mine fits 4 adults very comfortably. If you compare front and rear legroom, hip/shoulder room and headroom the Mazda5 beats out a huge number of cars (including most mid-size SUVs) for those two rows. The third row is small. With the third row down the trunk's big, third row up it's very small. I have used it for 4 adults and my two toddlers - but generally it's either two adults and two toddlers, or four adults. Sliding doors a massive bonus with babies and toddlers. Waiting on the Grand C-Max, Ford...


  • Voyager Voyager on Apr 20, 2016

    Best: new 718 boxster. Porsche's sub top got prettier, more economical and better performance. Worst: Alfa Giulia for being way too late and overhyped.

  • Ponchoman49 Ponchoman49 on Apr 20, 2016

    4 FCA vehicles on my worst list- Journey, Patriot, 200 and Fiat 500 series for poor reliability, rubbish transmissions, indifferent interior workmanship, visibility issues, performance and other problems
