Datsun On-Do Won't Be Debuting In New York

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

With a hatchback and an MPV already rolling out in India and Indonesia, the third Datsun product has been revealed for the Russian market, and it finally completes the missing piece of the puzzle: a three-box sedan.

While most of Europe tends to be hatch-crazy, Russia tends to have a greater affinity for sedans. While it shares some of the same mechanicals as other Datsun cars, the on-Do is a fair bit bigger . The Go hatch is just under 150 inches long, while the on-Do is 172 inches in length, or 7 inches shorter than a Honda Civic, though it’s just over an inch wider than the Go.

Much of the work for the on-Do was done by Autovaz, Renault-Nissan’s alliance partner in Russia, much like how Indian and Indonesian engineering units were used to develop the Go and Go+ for local conditions.

At $11,340, the on-Do is one of the more expensive Datsun models. Datsun’s next car is said to be focused on Africa, and will likely carry a much more affordable price tag.

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

More by Derek Kreindler

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21 of 26 comments
  • Lorenzo Lorenzo on Apr 04, 2014

    So Russia gets a 3-box sedan with a tall greenhouse and a level belt line that allows the driver to see cars behind him, and we get gun slit windows and high butt rear ends with lousy visibility in three directions. It's CAFE, isn't it? When did the federal government acquire the power to dictate fuel economy? It has nothing to do with health or safety (just the opposite in terms of visibility) and we're not at war.

    • See 16 previous
    • Victor Victor on Apr 05, 2014

      @Onus Yes, Wikipedia says you're right. Actually it's the Priora that carries soviet legacy onwards.

  • LALoser LALoser on Apr 04, 2014

    Datsun: Appearing soon on Vodka Videos.

  • Onus Onus on Apr 04, 2014

    Remind me to get around to writing on Article on driving a Lada Granta. For now enjoy a picture of me half asleep behind one. The Granta is filled with Renault-Nissan switch gear, and 4 speed auto trans if you opt for the auto. Yes it has airbags.

  • Stanczyk Stanczyk on Apr 05, 2014

    .. you should start to like cars like this .. :) After petro-dollar collapse.. this will be 'Your-dream-car' .. and big-money'll brainwash('convince') you that you desire 'brand new, ecological, efficient , cheap , 'global-product' automobile ..
