Subaru Adds Impreza To U.S Plant
Derek Kreindler
(IC: employee)
Published: May 8th, 2013
Subaru is set to expand capacity at its Indiana plant by 100,000 units, adding the Impreza alongside the Legacy, Outback and Tribeca to help fill demand for its vehicles in the United States.
The Japanese-built Impreza will be a welcome addition to the plant, which will serve to further isolate Subaru from things like currency fluctuations and parts shortages. The long rumored expansion will not affect production of TTAC’s favorite punching bag, the Toyota Camry.
Derek Kreindler
More by Derek Kreindler
Published May 8th, 2013 7:00 AM
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I just heard from one of the employees at the plant that there are special instructions for installing head gaskets into these cars so they last more than 60k miles. Nah, just kidding. There are no instructions at all actually.
One less Japanese made car for me to choose from. I am sad.
"The Japanese-built Impreza will be a welcome addition to the plant .." "Assembly of Imprezas, currently built only in Japan, will be a welcome addition to the plant." There, fixed it for you. There is no way a Japanese-built Impreza would be welcome in the plant - that's the whole point of assembling them in Indiana.
This is big for Subaru, expanding the plant and bringing a US built Impreza, has to make it less expensive to produce for the US market, and easier to differentiate equipment for the local market here.