Fitch, Moody's, Stand Alone As Subprime ABS Skeptics

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

Ratings agencies and other players in the finance world are beginning to sound the alarm on auto backed securities. Among the most troubling factors for some investors is the growth of smaller issuers who rely on pools of deep subprime loans. And ratings agencies who are being more conservative with their ratings are missing out on the action.

A report by Reuters highlights a recent ABS offering from Security National Automotive Acceptance Co (SNAAC), a smaller firm that focusing on loans to military personnel. This offering received a solid rating despite seemingly poor fundamentals.

According to the S&P, around 24% have ultra-low FICOs of between 500 and 550. And roughly 24% of the loans have loan-to-value ratios of 115% to 120% – meaning that the borrowers owe more than their vehicles are worth. Even so, S&P rated the deal AA, while rival DBRS gave it a full AAA rating.

Some players in the fixed income industry say that this kind of practice is far from an isolated incident. Ostensibly, a boom in subprime ABS has led to new players who are hungry for loans, regardless of quality

“The gap between the biggest players and the smaller issuers is just massive,” said John Kerschner, the head of securitized-product investing at Janus Capital Group. The smaller second-tier players go to deep, deep subprime – in the range of a 500 FICO score. That may not be the person you want to lend money to.”

Even more troubling is an assertion that ratings agencies Moody’s and Fitch, two well known companies in the bond ratings world have been deemed too cautious by a number of issuers, and thus have not been hired to rate their deals. Needless to say, this effectively stifles any outlooks that are less than rosy. John Bella, a top ABS official at Fitch, told Reuters

“We are generally more reluctant to reach AAA on subprime auto ABS for numerous reasons, among them the sector’s innately more volatile performance history, operational concerns and often heavy reliance on securitization as sole source of funding. Stiffer competition and deteriorating underwriting in recent months are amplifying our concerns.”

While the Reuters piece questions how investors may fare in the event of a burst ABS bubble, TTAC has long maintained that the real risk lies with new cars, the auto makers, and another possible systemic crisis. Auto manufacturers could interpret rising sales in an overly optimistic fashion, and start adding capacity as a result. But if the growth in sales is being driven by subprime lending, then it is inherently vulnerable to a slowing economy or an increase in unemployment. Either of those factors could be the trigger that causes subprime buyers to start defaulting. Used cars are less affected by this problem. They can simply be pumped through the system again and again, and the nature of subprime lending itself means that (if executed correctly) the high interest paid by everyone else can offset the losses brought on be delinquent debtors. If new car sales were to experience a significant contraction due to external forces like these, then auto makers could be left with a 2008-style scenario of idle plants, excess capacity and a glut of inventory, all of which are enormously costly to the OEMs.

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

More by Derek Kreindler

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2 of 47 comments
  • BrianL BrianL on Apr 26, 2013

    Going from AAA to AA isn't exactly going to be terrible. But you have to understand something. Auto subprime lending is only going to be dangerous if other parts of the economy falter and people can't pay for their cars. The latest crisis showed how people would let their houses go while making car payments. There was plenty of subprime lending for cars then too. IMHO, the only reason this matters is the economy tanks even further and people aren't able to afford cars. This would be a secondary effect and not a cause.

  • Bluegoose03 Bluegoose03 on Apr 27, 2013

    Sub Prime auto loans are completely different from Sub Prime housing loans. Why? It is a million times easier to repo a car than a house. Housing foreclosures take forever. Automotive recovery is a very quick process. The risk is simply not the same.

  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X Basically a Qashqai/Rogue Sport that looks like the new Rogue, but with the Kicks name.
  • Fred I guess this also competes with the Honda HR-V. I'm driving a 2021 and this offers a few improvements, hopefully the driver assists work better, bigger screen, maybe nicer seats. I trust Honda more than Nissan for reliability. I'd miss the magic seats. And then there is the extra $5000 or so it would cost me.
  • Arthur Dailey 143 different interior options! I realize that is now untennable, but still would like more options regarding interior colours, including the instrument panels/dashboards. Black on black is depressing. Drum brakes and no HVAC system. And yet we have 'young whippersnappers' complaining about some modern vehicles being 'penalty boxes'. Try driving a family around in a 1960's stripped VW Beetle during a Canadian winter and then you can start talking about penalty boxes. ;-)Personally that final picture of the red coloured car with the 3/4 view shows it to be just beautifully proportioned. Still retains the P-38 styling finishing in those attractive vertical tail lights. And the horizontal chrome trim along the bottom of the trunk lid adds a nice touch.
  • Jeff Nice to see a more affordable vehicle. For the price it is a lot of vehicle for the money. Dodge needs a vehicle like this.
  • Arthur Dailey Coincidentally we saw a Mazda B series pick-up just the other day in the parking lot of a golf course and I could not help but mention it to my playing partners, both of whom are 'car guys'. One mentioned that his cousin has a 20+ year old base model Ford Ranger that they use for trips to the building and garden supply stores.