"I Should Call Aston Martin And Ask Them Not To Put This Button In My Next Car"
Edward Niedermeyer
(IC: employee)
Published: October 30th, 2011
Here’s hoping your weekend motoring has been a little bit safer than surfboard designer Roberto Ricci’s…
Edward Niedermeyer
More by Edward Niedermeyer
Published October 30th, 2011 12:29 PM
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I agree with all saying the driver is an idiot but...I would caution against being too holier-than-thou about it. Anyone can make a mistake. For those that think they are better drivers than him..well, maybe you are, but you may likely just be at a higher threshold when you make YOUR mistake and you may just not walk away smiling like this guy. You know...pride cometh before the fall and all that....just saying!
TOOO much money and zero driving ability
I would laugh when they us the video to pull his ticket for speeding and reckless driving. Middle-age crises are about choices and consequences, turning off your T/C as you apply power in the curve is a most stupid, but knuckleheadedly-effective, way of proving this.
Next time maybe he'll RTFM before pushing buttons he doesn't understand.