What's Wrong With This Picture: The Manure Hits The Driveway Edition
Edward Niedermeyer
(IC: employee)
Published: September 18th, 2009
Edward Niedermeyer
More by Edward Niedermeyer
Published September 18th, 2009 1:07 PM
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WHy reward him for free manure, conveniently dumped on his lawn? I would understand it if they dumped it on his priceless persian rug, that would be punishment, but this? If I were Clarkson, I'd ask my gardener to take full advantage of the free gift and send them a thank you note!
courageous shoppers with no place to bury their dead
So global warming alarmists are so full of shit it's spilling into people's driveways? I'd like to see a group of people try that on MY property. Decomposition aside, I would lower their lifetime carbon output to zero. I'd even recycle the bullet casings in their memory. That's what I call progress!
The global cooling thing is a myth - it wasn't in peer-reviewed journals at the time; it was largely speculation, some of it from sci-fi writers, even (not climate scientists).