Chrysler Will Stay Alive in Japan (Where It's Almost Dead): FCA

Steph Willems
by Steph Willems

We all remember former Chrysler Corporation chairman Lee Iacocca railing against the Japanese for their uber-expensive land and not-so-open borders. Well, Jeep sales are slowly picking up in that Detroit Three-averse country, but one storied American brand isn’t doing so hot.

Chrysler. Sure, the brand isn’t doing all that great in its home country, either, what with only two models to show for itself. Still, Japanese buyers seem particularly unimpressed with the sole model Chrysler has to offer it.

Still, even with nearly nonexistent sales, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles isn’t about to throw in the towel just yet.

According to Reuters, a rumor that FCA plans to yank the Chrysler brand out of Japan is false. The automaker has confirmed it will continue selling the Chrysler 300S and 300 SRT8 out of Jeep dealerships in the land of the rising sun, even as the sun sets on the brand.

“Although FCA Japan has already announced its intention to concentrate its resources on the Jeep brand ahead, no decisions have been made regarding (the) Chrysler brand,” FCA said in a statement Monday.

It’s hardly an encouraging statement. Certainly, not one that brings much hope to Japanese Chrysler fans, if indeed there are any. Still, wouldn’t be at all surprising if FCA were to throw all its efforts behind Jeep. FCA CEO Sergio Marchionne has made it clear he wants the brand to be a global powerhouse, with such products as the second-generation Compass leading the way.

In Japan, Chrysler sales have dropped every year since the turn of the century. With just two variants of a single model on sale (starting at $52,056 after a consumption tax), sales dropped below 300 units in 2016. You’re far more likely to see a Jeep or Fiat vehicle on the streets of Tokyo. Those brands accounted for about 9,400 and 6,700 units, respectively, last year.

Even though Jeep sales rose over 31 percent in Japan last year, it’s still a small drop in a large bucket. Japanese customers overwhelmingly prefer Japanese vehicles, which puts Jeep, by volume, at number 20 on the list of top-selling automakers.

American Chrysler sales have remained stagnant for the past three years. While sales of roughly 53,000 units per year are well below the amount seen in the pre-recession era, it’s still above the mid-30,000 range seen from 2009 to 2011. The brand’s U.S. sales have fallen, year-over-year, for the past three months.

Steph Willems
Steph Willems

More by Steph Willems

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  • Pig_Iron Pig_Iron on Jun 19, 2017

    On the last of three wishes, a man asked a genie that when woke up, he would be the owner of a dealership for a large automotive manufacturer, in a major metropolitan area. When he awoke, he was the owner of a Chrysler dealership in Tokyo.

    • SPPPP SPPPP on Jun 19, 2017

      Haha. Wow, that's something that should show up in "Kafka's Garage" (if it still existed).

  • Noble713 Noble713 on Jun 19, 2017

    The 300 is pretty much the only Chrysler product I've ever seen here. It appeals to the VIP crowd who want something different from the standard issue Toyota Crown. But I've only seen a few RHD ones. Almost all are imported LHD models. I had no idea Chrysler actually sells them here. I assumed the few RHD ones were imports from Australia.

  • EBFlex Amazing they finally made a good decision in NY. Golf clap
  • EBFlex Not at all. The solution to congestion is to make more lanes for vehicles. No bike lanes, no trains, none of it. Another solution is to make your public transit a place people actually want to be and not a septic tank of violent criminals and drug users.
  • Firehawk I had two of these with lean and misfire codes. He changed the plugs you say??? has he inspected them? One of the two times it was a brand new plug that cracked. The other lean condition was some random threaded hole on the bottom of the throttle body that needed to be closed up, whatever was in there came out and was letting a lot of unmetered air into the intake. I love the Mark VIIIs my 97 and 98 would still be here today if it weren't for other drivers and their proclivity for hitting things. 97 was rear ended and totaled the 98 was t-boned while parked. Moved on to bigger Lincolns. Got an MKT and Aviator now.
  • Seth1065 Hell No, why should I as a driver have to pay for the subway repairs? I already pay over $250 a month in tolls to get into NYC, ( all of it not just Midtown) ( do not tell me to move closer I am less than 20 miles from midtown) the roads are crap as it is now , the trains are not much better and I have no faith in the port Authority ( referred around metro NY as the 51 state) to spend the money properly. They want no drivers in midtown , they already allowed over a 1000 parking spots to be taken up by restaurants out door dining. Most folks can not afford to live in midtown ( and the ones who can may not want to live in a city) but the city wants its workers back in their office buildings. People need to drive into the city for various reasons and they work there, want to eat at a restaurant trucks need to deliver food there, they will pay and pass teh bill on to the restaurant who will pass it on to the consumer. I did laugh yesterday when I read NYC has already spent a half billion dollars on the trackers. BTW I am pretty sure port authority personnel do not pay for their expats so who should they car. Show me a plan where everyone pays for this , train riders, subway riders, car drivers and I may agree but until then I will just not go to the city as often. I do think this will pass around Nov. 8 after election day. and a train to midtown from LGA , yeah that will happen , cost ten billion and 90 years. they can not even finish the 2 ave subway and that's been going on about 75 years at least.
  • Bkojote Hi, actual city planner here. Congestion pricing In NYC? Yes. Hell yes. Absolutely hell yes. Like empirically we've already got proof the answer is yes, there's not even a discussion about this anymore, the Robert Moses experiment is 50+ years old. We might as well be arguing if the earth is flat. Now build the freaking rail link from LGA airport I don't want to be inhaling car freshener fumes from my crappy Uber.