Come Dance With Me: Fiat-Chrysler Makes Another Pitch for a Partner

Steph Willems
by Steph Willems

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles chairman John Elkann, like the company’s sweatered CEO, is making come-hither eyes in the hopes of luring a suitor.

FCA needs a partner to turn its lofty debt pile into capital, so Elkann wants other automakers to know just how thrilled he’d be if they helped FCA save $10 billion a year, he told shareholders of the investment company controlling FCA (via Bloomberg).

The problem, he lamented, is that other automakers are all wrapped up in trying to develop autonomous technology, often with outsider help. Like a wallflower with a heart of gold, FCA feels ignored despite having a lot to offer.

“You need two to tango, and most of our competitors are busy with the great opportunities that technological disruption has to offer,” Elkann wrote to the Exor S.p.A. shareholders.

What’s an Italian-American automaker to do?

Autonomous vehicles are sexy and alluring, but they’re not going to make up more than a niche market for years to come, Elkann insisted. Human-driven cars are where the money is today, so why not hop on board and flex some revenue-generating muscle (while eliminating a 5 billion euro debt in the process)?

“Boring old carmakers need to figure out how to make this profitable and guard against falling into the 1990 trap of ignoring that business while chasing profits in other parts of the value chain,” Elkann said.

Last year, CEO Sergio Marchionne flung all sorts of woo at General Motors in a bid to be taken over by a larger partner, but all of his advances were rebuffed. GM CEO Mary Barra told Marchionne that her company wanted its space and wasn’t interested in playing the field.

It’s unlikely that browbeating your competitors will compel them to merge with you, but Elkann, with Marchionne as his wingman, are going to keep trying until the company finally sees some action.

[Image: Suzana Gudolle Dias de Bam/ Flickr (CC BY 2.0)]

Steph Willems
Steph Willems

More by Steph Willems

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  • Geekcarlover Geekcarlover on Apr 14, 2016

    Stop dreaming of the West young man. Look East, think Tata.

  • Islander800 Islander800 on Apr 14, 2016

    You know what partnership arrangement might make sense for Sergio? Team up with PSA, the Peugeot/Citroen company, just fresh from an investment guarantee from the French government, and who have stated an intent to re-enter the North American market within the next few years. Their range of vehicles is, in many respects, a refreshing take on the 21st century auto we haven't seen from the same old same old, and every bit as good as anything from Asia, America, or....Germany. Wait for it.

    • See 2 previous
    • Jeff S Jeff S on Apr 15, 2016

      @PrincipalDan If Chrysler merged with GM it would have been the end of GM and Chrysler would still be in the situation they are in today. Mahindra might be interested in Fiat Chrysler.

  • Zerofoo I have to work in NYC for the next couple of weeks.....pray for me.
  • Dave M. "...because I get to be correct on the internet". You made me puke coffee....
  • Bd2 This was announced for North American sale a very long time ago.
  • Jbltg Nice interior!
  • MaintenanceCosts This is a dumb decision both politically and substantively.Dumb politically because Hochul has already taken the political damage of being a champion and enabler of the plan. A last-minute change of heart is not going to win her any trust from the "I can't ever take the train" crowd; she already destroyed that. And now she's losing trust from the constituencies who support the charge as well.Dumb substantively because lower Manhattan is in gridlock much of the time and, based on experiences in London and Singapore, this likely would have fixed the gridlock and made Manhattan as a whole work far better, in addition to being the first good source of funding for subway expansion the MTA has had in decades.