NHTSA Investigating Gear Selector in Jeep Grand Cherokee, Possibly Other Models

Aaron Cole
by Aaron Cole

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is investigating complaints that gear selector handles on Jeep Grand Cherokees may slip out of park and cause the car to roll away, Automotive News is reporting.

Owners have detailed several complaints to NHTSA who said their Grand Cherokees rolled away while parked, including one person in Michigan who said a child was injured exiting the rollaway vehicle.

A similar transmission selector was used in the 2014 Chrysler 300. An owner complained of a similar problem in that car, where it rolled away and crashed into two other vehicles.

Chrysler changed the transmission selector in 2015 in both cars, but it’s unclear if the investigation or owner complaints prompted the switch. Many people (including yours truly) thought the handle was slightly confusing to use, and several NHTSA complaints echo that sentiment.

According to the agency, roughly 408,000 cars could be impacted by a potential recall.

As part of its settlement with the government, an independent monitor will review Fiat Chrysler Automobile’s handling of recalls for two years.

We reached out to FCA for comment on the investigation, but haven’t heard back.

Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly identified the safety administration that is investigating the complaints. It is the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Aaron Cole
Aaron Cole

More by Aaron Cole

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  • Zerofoo Zerofoo on Aug 25, 2015

    My wife's 14 GC has this shifter. The biggest issue we've had (in two years) is that, sometimes, if you are trying to K turn or back out of the garage quickly, you end up in neutral instead of drive. This is an electronic shift selector made to look like a mechanical selector. If you are unfamiliar with the "feel" of an electronic selector, you will need to make a conscious effort to look at the dashboard and verify what gear you are really in. It's not that hard. I'm filing this under "user-error".

  • Cbrworm Cbrworm on Aug 26, 2015

    BMW has been using a similar shifter for a number of years. For better or worse, if the car is in gear with a door open and the driver's foot is removed from the brake pedal, it immediately jams it into park while rolling.

  • Namesakeone I read somewhere that Mazda, before the Volkswagen diesel scandal and despite presumably tearing apart and examining several Golfs and Jettas, couldn't figure out how VW did it and decided then not to offer a diesel. Later, when Dieselgate surfaced, it was hinted that Mazda did discover what Volkswagen was doing and kept quiet about it. Maybe Mazda realizes that they don't have the resources of Toyota and cannot do it as well, so they will concentrate on what they do well. Maybe Mazda will decide that they can do well with the RWD midsized sedan with the inline six they were considering a few years ago
  • IH_Fever A little math: An average, not super high end EV (like a model 3) has 70 kwh of storage assuming perfect fully charged conditions. An average 2-3 person home uses roughly 30 kwh per day. So in theory you have a little over 2 days of juice. Real world, less than that. This could be great if your normal outage is short and you're already spending $50k on a car. I'll stick with my $500 generator and $200 in gas that just got me through a week of no power. A/c, fridge, tv, lights, we were living large. :)
  • EBFlex No. The major apprehension to buying EVs is already well known. The entire premise of the bird cage liner NYT is ridiculous.The better solution to power your house when the power goes out is a generator. Far more reliable as it uses the endless supply of cheap and clean-burning natural gas.
  • ToolGuy ToolGuy likes electricity.
  • Oberkanone Great vehicle. Will stand the test of time. Demand will exceed supply.IMHO