Porsche Classic Unveils GPS Unit For Classic Porsches

Cameron Aubernon
by Cameron Aubernon

Happen to own a classic Porsche? Want a more elegant solution for GPS than a smartphone on your dash? Porsche Classic has the solution.

The GPS/radio unit is designed to fit into the DIN-1 slot of many a classic Porsche, from the first 911s to roll out of Stuttgart in 1963, to the last of the air-cooled 993s from the mid-1990s. Operation is handled between two knobs, six buttons and the 3.5-inch touchscreen nestled in the center.

Drivers can opt for either 2D or 3D mapping for navigation, while the 8GB microSD card that holds the maps is updated regularly. Smartphone can be connected via Bluetooth, and the unit’s integrated amplifier delivers 4×45 watts through either the loudspeakers or the vehicle’s original sound system, perfect for enjoying music and news with little interference in radio reception.

The Porsche Communication Management-based unit is on sale now from Porsche Classic Partners and Centers in Germany for €1,184 ($1,343 USD) plus VAT. The USDM version is undergoing final testing, with pricing and availability due upon completion.

Cameron Aubernon
Cameron Aubernon

Seattle-based writer, blogger, and photographer for many a publication. Born in Louisville. Raised in Kansas. Where I lay my head is home.

More by Cameron Aubernon

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  • Segfault Segfault on Feb 24, 2015

    I am certain Porsche must be joking, but I can't seem to find a link to the article on The Onion.

  • Dtremit Dtremit on Feb 25, 2015

    That screen is bordering on dangerously small. I can't help but think keeping the original radio and putting in something like a Parrot Asteroid Tablet would be a much more elegant solution.

  • FreedMike Sweet ride. At this price, I'd consider it collectible and would assume there's some kind of "authenticity" involved (matching numbers, etc), but how does one go about verifying how "authentic" something like this is?
  • ToolGuy "Scheduled for build 04/01/69""Your vehicle was actually produced on April 9, 1969 -- eight days behind schedule."
  • ToolGuy Twin-turbo straight-six is what you want. Maybe 2.993 liters or so.
  • EBFlex Who cares?
  • ToolGuy Ford will crush the competition like a bug.