It's More Car Than Electric!

Edward Niedermeyer
by Edward Niedermeyer

What does the line “It’s More Car Than Electric!” mean? Beats us, but apparently it’s supposed to make you want to buy a Chevrolet Volt. Maybe “The electric car you can just put gas in on those days when you’re not giving a crap about the environment” was too long. Perhaps “It’s actually a series hybrid” didn’t pop with consumers. And maybe “Avoid the scary Range Anxiety® you get with ‘real’ electric cars” was too aggressive. All we know is, GM has registered “It’s More Car Than Electric,” and it’s time to get used to it. Meanwhile, how did we not find the ad parody above sooner?

Edward Niedermeyer
Edward Niedermeyer

More by Edward Niedermeyer

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  • Zerofoo Zerofoo on Oct 08, 2010
    20% of the time she calls our neighbor Hank for a ride That line almost made me spit coffee onto my keyboard. -ted
  • Daanii2 Daanii2 on Oct 08, 2010
    All we know is, GM has registered “It’s More Car Than Electric,” Applied for registration. It's not registered yet. Nor is Range Anxiety for that matter.
  • David C. Holzman David C. Holzman on Oct 08, 2010

    "It's more car than electric" begs the question: but how does it measure up to pure ICE? Or Prius? With that 27mpg once the gas goes on, I'd say it's more kluge job than a Prius. Anyway, watching this little video was a great way to start the day.
