Is This the Ugliest Car Ever Built?

Frank Williams
by Frank Williams

When someone says "ugly car," names like Aztek, Sebring and Multipla always seem to pop up. The New York Times adds Aurora to that group. Arguably the ugliest prototype car ever built, the Aurora was the brainchild of priest-turned-auto-designer Alfred A. Juliano in the mid-1950s. The prototype was partially financed by his parishioners. His intent was to produce the world's safest car, using a totaled 1953 Buick as the platform for his prototype. Unfortunately his lack of knowledge of automotive design and engineering trumped his enthusiasm and good intentions. Juliano was driven from the church and died penniless. Interestingly, production cars use some of his safety concepts: seat belts, side crash protection (offsetting the driver was his solution) and Euro-style pedestrian safety (the foam-filled cow catcher out front). The Aurora was rescued from oblivion, restored and now resides in a museum in Beaulieu, Hampshire, UK. You have been warned.

Frank Williams
Frank Williams

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  • Nick Nick on Dec 26, 2007

    The AMC Matador X beats this...really.

  • Shaker Shaker on Dec 26, 2007

    I dunno, it's like a "Cabbage Patch Car". Initially offensive (like the Edsel), but it makes you feel sorry for it. The bowling trophy rad cap on "The Homer" is a hoot.

  • Gzuckier Gzuckier on Dec 26, 2007

    the original article in the paper showed a side view, rather than the rear view. too bad it's not on the web article, because in side view the front absolutely looks like it should be the back, and vice versa.

  • Davey49 Davey49 on Dec 26, 2007

    Actually the new NSX might be worse. I would say that the SSangyong Rodius is the ugliest vehicle I've ever seen. it's ugly and dull at the same time, quite a feat.
